Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Who is going to win next gen?

The new gaming machines are about to be released later this month. Which one is going to be the best?

The Xbox One and PS4 aren’t the bleeding edge machines that the Xbox 360 and PS3 were. Last generation the expensive launch prices were almost justified. This round the Xbox One and PS4 machines are simply underpowered current day gaming PCs with simple operating systems that don’t allow you to use them to their full potential like you would be able to on a computer.

There are already comparison videos between the PS4 and PC running Battlefield 4 and showing just how much the console version can’t live up to it’s superior PC version.

Ubisoft has promised that the PC version of all it’s upcoming games would have superior graphics, it’s pretty easy to say that, because there is absolutely no reason why they couldn’t look better on PC.  The upcoming consoles will be stuck in the past of today’s technology, not even mentioning the improvements that continue to come out on PC.

Since the new consoles are now based on x86 processors you are pretty much comparing apples to apples now. The Xbox One and PS4 equate to a mid range gaming PC. They are already out classed by top of the line systems and those systems are only going to get faster and cheaper. The jump to x86 could actually leave Nintendo out in the cold even more than it already is with the Wii U unless they follow suit.

With the consoles so similar in architecture this console generation will be won through exclusivity. What console has the most 'must have' games that you can't get anywhere else. Also what apps or functionality are available outside of gaming.

Sony and Microsoft instead of losing hundreds on each console sold like they did last generation, could turn a profit on each unit sold straight out of the gate.

What console is better? If you are serious about gaming. Well the answer is simple… The Steam Machine.

The Steam Machine, with Steam OS and the revolutionary Steam Controller is the future. The upcoming "Next Gen" consoles are already dated.

Second place? Your average gaming PC.

Third and fourth place? PS4 and Xbox One will battle that out.

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