Picked up this game for $20, well worth the asking price. That is if you like quirkiness that walks hand and hand with bizarre, that wears a M rating like a battle scar.
This game is going on my shelf alongside:
Rule of Rose PS2
Haunting Ground PS2
Obscure 1 2 PS2
Alone in the Dark 360
Onechanbara Wi/360
Indigo Prophesy PC/360
Phantasmagoria PC
Killer 7 PS2/GC
Early Resident Evils
and of course the Silent Hill series
The game seems to be self-aware of what it is subjecting you to. The shooting controls are as awkward as they can be in a survival horror. Aiming with the left stick and firing with the A button anyone? Oh yeah! Who could ask for more? How about the ability to make you burst out laughing like a cheesy B rate horror flick?
Had a friend grab the controls/watch me play for a just a few minutes. He was pretty convinced that both I and the developers are nuts.
If you are a fan of the aforementioned games. Have them in your permanent collection like I do, still play your old PC and PS1 horror games then you can not pass this up. This game should have been made years ago, but better late then never. On the fence? Good luck waiting for it to be $5, that doesn't really happen to games like this. The limited production run gets snatched up by people like me and we will never let it go. Get it in the next few months or risk missing it. Or wait for a estate sale maybe?
If you are a production value snob only able to be satisfied with the newest of the new/ shiny of the shiny, stay far far away. After a few minutes with the game you will be cussing at the wall wearing a straight jacket. This game is not for you!
If you like oddness, controls that must be overcome, graphics straight out of yesteryear, game elements that have you smoking cigarettes to pass the time, drinking coffee to tell the future, buying crackers from vending machines for $25 so you don't starve, enemies that bend over backwards to welcome you to their world. Then this game is a love letter written just for you.
All this being said, I cannot with good conscience recommend this game to anyone but myself and the small percentage of the populous that could fully appreciate it. If your not one of us, but know one of us. Buy us this game as a gift, and we will smile with the warm fuzzy feeling that you truly understand us, or at least trying.
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